Jeanette Yue


Jeanette has always loved storytelling, and first discovered her interest for fundraising when she worked as a development intern at a Sacramento-based nonprofit and saw first-hand how crucial development is to an organization's growth. Before joining The Primary School, she served as Development Coordinator at Emerge, a national political nonprofit.

As an undergraduate student, Jeanette volunteered with students and their teachers to provide tutoring and mentorship, which is where she first realized how important it is to ensure students are provided with support that addresses their physical and mental health in addition to their academic needs. More than anything, she is driven by her passion for helping underserved communities and individuals thrive and believes strongly in taking an intersectional approach to transform unjust systems.

Jeanette is a Bay Area native and currently lives in San Francisco. She earned her Bachelor's degrees in Communication and Psychology and minors in professional writing and sociology from UC Davis.

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