Belinda Martinez

Belinda Martinez is a behavior assistant with a background in speech and language pathology. She joined the team at The Primary School in 2021 and works hard to develop a caring, warm, and collaborative team environment for all students and staff. Her dedication to the wellbeing of students stems from a believe that all children deserve the opportunity to fulfill their potential in a supportive educational environment.

With a bachelor’s degree in audio engineering from the Art Institute of California, Belinda eventually found her passion for working with children and embarked on a career in speech and language therapy. She subsequently completed an associate degree in speech-language Pathology at Chemeketa College, and then worked as a speech-language aide in a private clinical setting helping families through an early head start program.

Striving to bring more educational equality into the world, Belinda has worked to create safe spaces for children and families alike. With a community-oriented outlook, she has extended many of her efforts to volunteer work at creative organizations and events including The Recording Academy at Grammy U, Anime Exposition, Fulcrum Arts at The Laboratory for Embodied Intelligence, and Human Resources Los Angeles.